TRAVELLERS have set up camp at Brio's Winsford Lifestyle Centre.

One caravan pitched up at the leisure centre on The Drumber on Tuesday, February 13. 

The land it’s on is owned by Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWAC), which has confirmed it will be serving 'section 77 notice' today (Thursday 15) directing the occupiers to vacate the site. 

A council spokesman said: "A section 77 notice will be served this afternoon to the group."

According to CWAC’s website: "If a decision to evict is made the council would seek to negotiate a mutually acceptable deadline for the occupiers to move on without any formal action.

"The council will then serve a direction to leave under section 77 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

"If the individuals continue to remain on the land past the date given, the council will apply to the magistrate’s court for a possession order, section 78 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

"All procedures and powers have to be proportionate and are subject to the Human Rights Act and the Equality Act and can be challenged in court."