A LOTHARIO who swindled more than £300,000 from four women, including one victim in Cheshire, to fund his lavish lifestyle has been jailed.

Serial fraudster Cieran McNamara posed as a millionaire and used a web of deceit to lure wealthy women to part with their money.

The 37-year-old used various pseudonyms as he snared his victims in exclusive hotels and clubs.

Northwich Guardian: Using the name Myles McNamara, he poses in front of a luxury yachtUsing the name Myles McNamara, he poses in front of a luxury yacht (Image: Cheshire Police)

Posing in photographs taken in mansions, jets and yachts, he convinced them that he was a successful businessman with a high value property portfolio.

His downfall came after his victim, who lives in Cheshire East, realised what he was doing and alerted the police.

Northwich Guardian: Myles McNamara poses for a selfie with champagneMyles McNamara poses for a selfie with champagne (Image: Cheshire Police)

McNamara, who also uses the names Ciaran Griffin, Christian McNamara and Myles McNamara, appeared a Chester Crown Court on Tuesday, February 6, where he was sentenced to seven years in prison.

The con man, from Coventry, had previously pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud by false representation.

Northwich Guardian: Ciaran McNamara has been jailed for seven yearsCiaran McNamara has been jailed for seven years (Image: Cheshire Police)

The court heard that McNamara was leading a lavish lifestyle, travelling across the UK in first class on trains, planes and staying in five star hotels.

He made contact with his victims through a variety of different methods.

Northwich Guardian: This is how he posed as a fake businessman on LinkedInThis is how he posed as a fake businessman on LinkedIn (Image: Cheshire Police)

On some occasions he met them online, while on others he would visit exclusive hotels and clubs, with the overall aim of praying on wealthy individuals to manipulate for his own gain.

After carefully selecting his victims, he would start relationships with the women, convincing them that he was a successful businessman with a high value property portfolio across the UK.

Northwich Guardian: He funded his lavish lifestyle preying on wealthy womenHe funded his lavish lifestyle preying on wealthy women (Image: Cheshire Police)

To help convince the women of his wealth, he showed them images of himself in mansions in London and Cheshire to substantiate his account, as well as pictures of him travelling first class across the world.

He would also flood the women with gifts, weekends away and take them out for expensive meals.

Northwich Guardian: Posing with cocktails, he told women he was a successful businessmanPosing with cocktails, he told women he was a successful businessman (Image: Cheshire Police)

However, what the victims didn’t know is that he was using money he had taken from other women to fund his lifestyle.

After convincing his victims that they were in a loving relationship, he would create a fake crisis, claiming that he was having issues with his banking and needed to borrow money, which he said he would repay as soon as possible.

Northwich Guardian: He took pictures of himself travelling first class around the worldHe took pictures of himself travelling first class around the world (Image: Cheshire Police)

If any of the women questioned his motives, he would turn it on them and blame them for doubting him.

Between September 1, 2022 and September 25, last year, McNamara manipulated his four victims in Cheshire, Warwickshire and Hertfordshire to hand over £302,054.26.

His elaborate fraud was finally exposed when his Cheshire victim discovered his treachery.

An investigation was launched by detectives from the Cheshire Police Economic Crime Unit which resulted in McNamara's arrest in Colchester on Thursday, September 28.

He was subsequently charged with four counts of fraud by false representation.

Following his arrested, officers have since raided a lock-up which was being rented by McNamara where they recovered approximately £19,500 worth of brand new goods.

The items included a £1,900 Burberry coat, a £400 Burberry scarf, Dubarry boots, Gucci trainers and a Ping golf set.

Enquiries to find other assets belonging to him remain ongoing and all the items recovered will be subject to a proceeds of crime hearing.

Detective Constable Victoria Hazlewood, who led the investigation, said: “McNamara is a serial fraudster and I truly believe that he cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

“During our investigation, we uncovered a web of lies with thousands of text messages which he sent to his victims in order to extort cash to fund his lavish lifestyle.

“He convinced his victims that he was a millionaire with properties across the country, but in reality, he was unemployed and living out of suitcase.

“McNamara identified ways he could control and manipulate his victims and throughout the investigation, he has shown no remorse for his actions.

“He truly believed that he would never be caught by police and that he would never be held accountable for his despicable behaviour.

“Thankfully, because of the courage and bravery of his victims, and the work of the team here in the Economic Crime Unit at Cheshire Constabulary, McNamara was left with no option other than to admit his guilt.

“While he is now behind bars, I have no doubt that there are other victims across the country who have been treated in the same way and I would encourage them to come forward.

“If you believe that you have been targeted by a romance fraudster, or you believe somebody close to you has been targeted, then please contact Action Fraud so you can begin to get the necessary support and prevent other people from becoming victims.”

At the sentencing, Judge Berkson said that McNamara's offending history was a significant aggravating factor, with many similar offences in the past.

He also said that McNamara had ruined the victims lives and was a real risk into the future, as he had very little sympathy for his victims.

To contact Action Fraud visit actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040.