ANYONE still hoping to shift a few Christmas pounds come February now has an extra slice of motivation.  

100K Your Way is a fitness challenge from St Luke’s Hospice, urging residents to walk, run, cycle, or swim 100 kilometres between February 1 and 29.

Participants will be helping to raise money for the charity, which provides vital end-of-life care for cancer patients in and around Winsford.

What’s more, if challengers can think of a more creative way of covering 100 kilometres (62.1 miles) they’re more than free to do it.  

Winsford town mayor, Cllr Ernie Welch, has already signed up for the challenge, and he’s doing it with the help of his e-bike.

Ernie said: “St Luke’s have come up with a great idea with their 100K Your Way fitness challenge.

“I’ll be taking on the 100K challenge on my electric bike, with the plan being to complete the same number of miles as each day.

“So, one mile on the first day, and two on the second, finishing with 29 miles on the final day of the month.”

Entrants decide when, where, and how to complete 100 kilometres across the 29 days of February.

There’s no registration fee, no minimum fundraising target, and everyone gets a free St Luke’s T-shirt to wear when taking part.

St Luke’s community fundraiser, Rachel Hughes said: “We’re looking for supporters to get healthy and active throughout the month of February for our 100K Your Way fitness challenge.

“It’s completely up to you how you do it, and with an extra day in February this year, there’s no excuse not to get out and about raising vital funds for your local hospice.”

When participants sign up, they receive a welcome pack with a free T-shirt, a sponsorship form and 100K planner for the month of February.

Supporters can also choose to join the dedicated Facebook group to share their tips, routes, and pictures of their challenge.

To find out more visit: