A FEMALE taxi driver on her way to do a school run has been arrested on suspicion of drink-driving.

A police officer spotted a car driving erratically in Winsford at around 8.50am on Thursday, December 14.

Posting on social media, a Winsford Police spokesman said: “A police officer on the way to work noticed a white Kia hitting kerbs and being driven at approximately 10mph.

“It was noted that the Kia was displaying taxi registration places.”

The officer called 999 to report concerns about the manner of the driving and followed the vehicle until it came to a stop outside a house in Winsford.

When further officers arrived, they breathalysed the driver who was found to be almost four times the legal limit at the roadside. 

“Uniformed officers arrived and conducted a roadside breath test with the female driver, who subsequently blew 130 at the roadside," the post continued.

“The legal limit being 35.

“She was arrested and we gave her a free lift to Middlewich custody.”

The woman has since been charged and will appear at Crewe Magistrates Court on January 11 next year.