FUNDS raised from this year's popular Darnhall Show have been donated to help support people affected by strokes.

The event took place in Winsford earlier this year on July 2 as families enjoyed a host of activities. 

Visitors were able to enjoy a range of vintage vehicles, watch dog agility demonstrations and see the Rose Queen crowned.

Now show secretary Sue Langley has announced, following the show's success, £750 from the profits made will be donated to charity.

This year's chosen charity is the Stroke Association and representative Helen Latham was presented with a cheque.

Sue said: "Support for Darnhall Show is greatly appreciated and means that we can raise money to give back to projects in the local area.

Northwich Guardian: Stroke Association representative Helen Latham (right) with some members of the Darnhall Show organising committeeStroke Association representative Helen Latham (right) with some members of the Darnhall Show organising committee (Image: Sue Langley)

"We are supporting fund raising for Darnhall village hall, this year's chosen charity was the Stoke Association and we will also be making further donations towards Darnhall WI, Darnhall Dancers and Darnhall Brownies."

The date of next year's show will be Sunday, July 7, and entries have already begun coming in.

Anyone interested in attending with a stall, attraction or entertainment is asked to contact Sue at