A WINSFORD man punched a police officer in the face before being pepper sprayed on his own doorstep.

Two officers called at Jordan Boswell's Beaulieu Avenue home on Sunday, May 23, to discuss an unrelated matter.

Boswell, 27, called them ‘d**k heads’ and told them to ‘f**k off’ before trying to push them off his property.   

He then became even more aggressive, punching one officer in the face several times.

At a short hearing at Chester Magistrates Court on Tuesday, October 24, Boswell pleaded guilty to one count of assaulting an emergency worker and one of resisting a constable in the execution of his duty.  

Prosecuting, Stephanie Fanello told the court the officers were forced to use pepper spray on him, and had to use a 'strategic blow' to his knee before they could arrest him. 

From his appearance and the way he smelled, the officers believed he had been drinking, Ms Fanello added.   

Boswell has a previous youth court conviction for wounding in 2012.

He was given unconditional bail while a pre-sentence report is prepared, ahead of his next court appearance on Wednesday, December 13, for sentencing.