A DRUG addict who harassed his mum and bit a police officer has been jailed.

Lewis Andrew Price, 26, has been sentenced to 20 weeks behind bars after pleading guilty to harassment and two charges of assaulting an emergency worker.

At Warrington Magistrates Court on Friday (October 20) Mr Leong, prosecuting, said that Price has a 'severe drug problem' and is addicted to crack cocaine.

Price, of no fixed address, is on benefits which are sent to his mother’s partner before being transferred to him.

However, Mr Leong said Price spends this money 'very quickly' and then turns up at his mum’s home in Winsford 'demanding' more, often crying or self-harming.

“She feels she has to leave her home to get away from him,” Mr Leong added.

“She has repeatedly said ‘if this is the lifestyle he wants to live then do it, but don’t bring it to my door’.”

On Wednesday (August 30) Price turned up at his mum’s home with a large cut on his leg, demanding money and tobacco.

She locked him out of the house before two police officers, PC Hughes and PC Lythgoe, arrived.

Price 'lashed out' and resisted arrest, kicking the officers and biting PC Hughes, breaking the skin, resulting in the officers calling for assistance.

A victim statement from Price's mum was read out at court. It said: “As a mother this situation is extremely difficult emotionally and very upsetting to be in.

"I love my son but I have lost my son to a drug addiction which has consumed both our lives for 10 years,” she wrote.

“This has mentally scarred me. I am physically and emotionally drained.

“This has had a massive toll on me over last few months as addiction escalated with crack cocaine.

“I spend nights sat in my car rather than at home to avoid confrontation.

“I have reached breaking point, I need him to understand I can no longer tolerate that behaviour in my life.

“He needs to face responsibility for his actions.”

Defending, Mr Hunt said Price accepts an immediate custodial sentence is inevitable.

“If there was ever an advert to show what happens if you take drugs, this is it,” he said.

“He clearly loves his mum and she loves him back. There was a strong bond until he started taking crack cocaine.

“He is 26 but, and I don’t think his mother will mind me saying this, he presents a lot younger than that mentally.

“He has ADHD and has been diagnosed with psychosis. We can’t say whether that is as a result of the drugs but it is unlikely a doctor would recommend taking crack cocaine.

“His sister described him crying hysterically, before hurting himself and asking for a hug. This is not an evil miscreant who’s vowed to rain vengeance on his mum. This is a pitiable figure.

“He has expressed to me his shame and sorrow.”

Mr Hunt acknowledged Price’s previous convictions, which include being drunk and disorderly, criminal damage, possession of cannabis and causing actual bodily harm, but added that he has not committed any offences in the past 18 months.

Judge Davidson sentenced Price to a total of 20 weeks, as well as ordering him to pay £200 in compensation to PC Hughes.

The judge also imposed a restraining order, prohibiting Price from entering a specified address in Winsford for two years.

Both Price and his mum expressed a desire to rebuild their relationship upon his release.