A WINSFORD man has been jailed after harassing two women, one of whom is his former partner.

Barry Hooks, of Well Street, appeared at Crewe Magistrates Court on August 9 to be sentenced on three charges.

Two of the offences related to the same victim, whom Hooks harassed twice, first between April 22 and April 27 and then between June 13 and June 17.

During these periods, the 53-year-old sent the woman text messages, made phone calls and attended her address.

The third offence was a breach of the restraining order imposed on December 30 after Hooks had left soiled pyjamas outside his former partner's home during a three-day harassment campaign.

On June 16 this year, he shouted abuse at his former partner when banned from doing so by the restraining order.

Hooks admitted to breaching the order on July 20 last month, but only changed his plea to guilty for the other offences at his court appearance on August 9.

Magistrates sentenced Hooks to a total of 20 weeks imprisonment for the three offences.

The court heard the offences were so serious, only a custodial sentence could be justified.

Custody was also considered due to the defendant's previous record and there being no prospect of rehabilitation.

New two-year restraining orders were also made banning Hooks from contacting his victims by any means. He is also prohibited from entering a specified address in Winsford.