A BANNED driver who was caught behind the wheel while on his mobile phone has avoided an immediate jail term.

Jack Grennan, of Carpenter Close, Northwich, was caught driving Peugeot 308 in Queen Street in the town on June 15 earlier this year.

The 26-year-old, who was disqualified from driving at the time, was also found to be on his found and with no insurance.

Appearing at Chester Magistrates Court on July 27, Grennan pleaded guilty to the three driving offences.

Despite taking his guilty pleas into account, magistrates sentenced Grennan to eight weeks in jail, but suspended the term for 12 months.

It was heard the bench imposed a custodial sentence because the defendant has 'a flagrant disregard for court orders'.

The court heard the sentence could be suspended due to Grennan having a 'realistic prospect of rehabilitation'.

Magistrates also disqualified him from driving for a further 18 months.

Grennan must also pay court costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £120.