RESIDENTS in Cheshire East will soon be asked for their views on the streetlight switch-off options proposed by the council to save energy and costs.

The highways and transport committee voted unanimously on Thursday (July 20) to go out to consultation on the switch-off plan.

Committee chair Craig Browne (Alderley Edge, Ind) assured councillors that, after feedback from the consultation had been taken into account, the final set of proposals would go back to highways and transport before any changes are implemented.

He said the switch-off was needed because of soaring energy prices.

Northwich Guardian: Cllr Craig BrowneCllr Craig Browne (Image: Cheshire East Council)

“Even if we just stand still the energy costs are going to add £137,000 to the cost of streetlighting next year so we really can’t afford to do nothing,” said Cllr Browne.

He added: “I do support the introduction of this central management system which will give us the ability to override area-based times in the event of emergencies.”

He said when the switch-off is reviewed, after it’s been in place for a year or so, that system would also enable the council to respond to any issues identified in the review.

Cllr Hazel Faddes (Lab) said because the higher costs each year to the social care budget have to be met, this leaves an ever decreasing amount for funding for highways.

“We shouldn’t be faced with this decision, but if we cannot balance the budget Cheshire East would be forced into special measures which we could not afford,” she said.

The Crewe councillor said the report stated there is likelihood of increased slips, trips, falls and traffic collisions and that the elderly and disabled people would be affected adversely.

She said she believed the impact would also be greater on poorer areas because people tended to walk more.

Northwich Guardian: Cllr Chris HilliardCllr Chris Hilliard (Image: Cheshire East Council)

Cllr Chris Hilliard (Wilmslow, Ind) asked that active travel routes be taken into account because active travel users are likely to have a lower standard of lights than cars. He said this group also may be primarily lower income.

The public consultation on the street lighting energy saving options is expected to take place in September and October.