A CHERISHED and respected head teacher and councillor who made Northwich his home almost 50 years ago has been given the Freedom of the Town. 

Derek Bowden led Leftwich High School from 1977 to 1991, sat on the town council from 2007 to 2023, and served on the boards of Northwich Council for Voluntary Service, Northwich and District Society for the Arts, and as a governor of Mid Cheshire College.

The moving ceremony at Northwich Council Chamber on Friday, June 16, was attended by Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, Eric Hodgson; Mayor of Northwich, Cllr Jane Thomas; town councillors; Derek’s children and grandchildren; and friends from Northwich Rugby Club.

Before receiving tributes from council colleagues, Derek was read messages of thanks from cheif exexutive of the Cheshire Association of Local Councils, Jackie Weaver; Weaver Vale MP, Mike Amesbury; and leader of the Labour Party, Sir Kier Starmer.

Northwich Guardian: Derek receives the Freedom of Northwich from town mayor, Jane ThomasDerek receives the Freedom of Northwich from town mayor, Jane Thomas (Image: Newsquest)

Cllr Sam Naylor opened the proceedings with a moving speech noting some of the achievements of his long-standing friend and colleague.

Cllr Naylor said: “We’ve come together to grant the Freedom of Northwich to a very worthy citizen of our great town.

“The honour is granted only in exceptional circumstances, and to very exceptional people.

“I’ve known Derek some 40 years, and I saw from the beginning he was a caring and passionate man.

“Derek had a stellar career in education. He moved to Northwich in 1977 to deliver the transition of Northwich Girl’s Grammar School into Leftwich High School, which he then led for 14 years.

"Throughout that time, his mantra was to nurture his pupils to become well-rounded and caring individuals.

“In 1991, Derek left Leftwich and worked with a range of universities preparing senior teachers for headship positions, before moving into local government with Northwich Town Council.

“I want to place on record what a wonderful citizen and servant he has been to the best town on the planet. He has been a powerful example to so many who have passed through his hands.”

Cllr Andrew Cooper said: “Derek has dedicated his life to public service, and it is an absolute privilege to acknowledge his unwavering commitment and unique impact on our community.

"He served the people of Greenbank and Leftwich on Northwich Town Council for 16 years, with notable achievements including the project to replace Riversdale Bridge after it was closed by British Waterways.

"We take it for granted now that people can cross from Castle to Leftwich and back whenever they like, but for six years, that wasn’t possible, and it was thanks to tireless campaigners like Derek that this was resolved.

"Another contribution was in the development of the Northwich Neighbourhood Plan, where he was instrumental in protecting our unique heritage, while keeping the needs of future generations at the core.

"Derek has been the conscience of this town council for 16 years, listening carefully and patiently as the rest of us argue, then summing things up with a sense of authority and experience the rest of us can only aspire to."

Accepting the honour with his trademark combination of modesty and wit, Derek said: “I’m deeply touched by the things my friends and colleagues have said here tonight.

“I’ve listened to them, and I wonder, who is this bloke they’re talking about?

“It is an honour and privilege which I’m sure I don't deserve, but I was told to be quiet, as it’s not my decision.

“What a super town Northwich is! My wife and I fell in love with it the day we moved here, and that has never changed.

“We have a town clerk who is second to none, and a group of councillors who dedicate themselves to public service.

“I’m honoured and very grateful for the many friends I have here.”