PLANS have been submitted to build eight homes on land next to a car repair centre and tyre shop.

CDM Developments (North West) is seeking permission from Cheshire West and Chester Council to erect the homes near Tyrewise and The Old School House, off Canal Walk, Rudheath.

Should they be approved, the plans would see a domestic garage and garden outbuilding demolished to make way for a variety of homes.

These include three four-bedroom detached houses, one three-bedroom detached house and four three-bedroom semi-detached houses, each with their own residential curtilages.

In a design and access statement, prepared by JT Design Consultancy on behalf of the applicants, it says: "The proposal seeks to make more beneficial use of the sizeable and underutilised residential curtilage associated with The Old School House.

"The applicant is in the process of acquiring the land from the existing owners who occupy The Old School House and whose family have owned the site for in excess of 60 years.

"The proposal can be seen to positively make beneficial use of land which is currently underutilised, to provide much needed additional family housing in the strategic location of Northwich."

Outline permission for seven houses on the site was granted in 2022, but due to its size, the developers feel another house can be accommodated.

The design and access statement adds: "The principle of developing the site for housing is well-established, with outline approvals forthcoming to do so back in 2015 and more recently in 2022.

"The latter, having permitted the erection of seven houses, remains extant.

"While this is in excess of the seven new homes previously proposed and consented in outline form, the site area is larger than that indicated on the outline approval and it is clearly shown eight can be accommodated.

"The scale and nature of the development is such that there is an opportunity for the new homes to be custom build, reflecting that the initial owners could have primary input into the internal layout, specification and finishes – if purchased off plan."

To view the proposals, search reference 23/01254/FUL on the council's online planning portal.