Plans to permanently call last orders at a former pub have cleared a vital hurdle.

The Tunnel Top in Dutton closed its doors in 2017 and has since been used as a private property. But an application was recently submitted to Halton Borough Council to make the change permanent.

Any objection by Cheshire West and Chester Council - which had to be consulted as a neighbouring authority - could have scuppered the proposals due to possible impact on the borough's highways, but it now says it has no objection to the changes going ahead.

The pub had been a popular watering hole for many years, achieving CAMRA real ale accreditation, sponsoring an under 7s football team and playing host to the Hartford Pool team.

It got its name due to being located near a tunnel on the nearby canal and previously attracted canal walkers. It was also popular with real ale drinkers and was featured in the local CAMRA online real ale pub guide.

But an application to Halton Council’s planning department said falling custom and competition from other pubs had contributed to its closure five years ago. The report said it had also been targeted by vandals since its closure, prompting the current occupants to move in to ensure it was made properly secure.

The letter said: “Due to the  decline in footfall and the opening of the Queen of Hearts, Murdishaw taking the small amount of remaining business, the Tunnel Top was no longer feasible to run as a pub and closed its doors.

“The pub was broken in to three times when its doors closed due to its rural location and lack of onsite security. Gates and CCTV still could not protect the property.”

There have been several planning applications in the past to create a new use for the site on Northwich Road, but none have been successful due to the pub being considered a community facility.

Proposals to turn it into six flats back in 2010 was thrown out after a campaign to save it by locals. In the same year it was nominated for the prestigious Champion pub of Cheshire.

The new application added: “We hope the council can support the application and see that there is no longer, and has not been a viable business at the pub for over five years.

"The property will never again open as a public house due to other surrounding pubs such as the Preston Brook, Queen of Hearts and The Riverside Inn due to the retirement of the owners.”

The plans must still be signed off by Halton Council's planning department but no date has yet been given for a decision.