A WINSFORD man has been jailed for racially abusing a police officer and threatening another.

Paul Devey, of Barton Court, appeared at Chester Magistrates Court on March 3 to be sentenced for the two offences.

The offences relate to an incident in Winsford on September 2 last year.

The court heard the 40-year-old used threatening behaviour towards PC Victoria Thomson and racially abused PC Nu-Ga Chang.

At an earlier court hearing on January 27, Devey pleaded guilty using threatening behaviour with intent to cause fear of unlawful violence and indicated a guilty plea to a charge of racially aggravated intentional harassment.

Taking his plea into account, magistrates jailed Devey to eight weeks in prison. This was uplifted from a four-week sentence due to the aggravating factor of it being an offence against an emergency worker.

The court heard Devey was sent to custody as the offence was 'an unprovoled attack of a serious nature' and involved 'prolonged disorder with appalling behaviour directed towards a serving police officer'. 

No pre-sentence report was prepared ahead of the hearing as the defendant refused to co-operate with the Probation Service.

No order for costs was made, but Devey must pay a £154 surcharge on his release.