LOCAL politics in Winsford look set for a shake-up in the upcoming May elections. 

In a week of surprise announcements, veteran independent town councillor, David Edwards, has announced he is not putting himself forward as a candidate for Wharton ward, which he has represented for 10 years.

Further, Cllr John Malam, who has had a big impact during his short stint representing Gravel ward, has also announced that he will not be standing again come May.

Cllr Malam, also an independent, was elected just 18 months ago at a byelection after  Labour councillor, Julie Savage, resigned.

Cllr Edwards said: “After ten years it’s time for someone else to step up.

"I’ve been very proud to support residents with housing issues and particularly to give a voice to some Wharton residents who did not previously feel they had a voice.

“I thoroughly enjoyed being Deputy Mayor in 2015–16, promoting Winsford.

“I will not be leaving local politics totally. I will be campaigning against any parking charges in the town centre and supporting residents to have public toilets on the shopping centre.”

Cllr Malam said: “I’ve only dipped my toe in the water, being elected just eighteen months ago following a resignation.

“In this short time, I feel I have made a contribution to Winsford, and have supported residents who have asked for advice and help.

"However, a full term of four years would make demands I cannot meet and, sadly, I will not be standing for re-election.”

The announcements comes the same weeks as a new group declared itself in Winsford local politics, using the name ‘Winsford Salt of the Earth’.

Under the direction of independent town councillor, Ernie Welch, the group has invited anyone wanting to find out more about how they can stand as a candidate for ‘Winsford Salt of the Earth’ to a ‘brew and chat’ event at The Old Star Pub, Swanlow Lane, at 5.30pm on Thursday, March 2.

Cllr Welch said: Cllr Welch said: "It’s clear to me political tribalism is preventing people from having a proper say.

"We have seen many instances of self-praise and worse, which sadly is typical within and between political parties, but is unacceptable and not how things should be done.

"If people are fed up and want to see things brought back to basics, they can consider joining us as a candidate, helping our campaign, and voting us into as many seats as possible.

"Together let’s put people before politics and make our town a better place."