PLANS to hike up existing parking charges and introduce fees on free car parks will cripple town centre traders and drive cars on to residential streets, councillors said.

Members of Cheshire East’s highways and transport committee were unhappy they were being asked to give feedback on budget proposals to increase charges when very little detail was given.

In the introduction to the highways section of the budget (Mid Term Financial Strategy 2023-27) document, executive director Tom Moody states ‘proposals are being consulted upon to look to increase existing charges in line with inflation, introducing charges at car parks which currently offer free parking and piloting a scheme with variable parking charges that reflect levels of demand by location and time of day’.

Richard Hibbert, head of strategic transport and parking, told the committee on Thursday the highways department not only needed to make an extra £119,000 in the coming financial year but also had to claw back £1.3m which had been lost from car parks over two years because of the pandemic.

Cllr Liz Braithwaite said: “Any increase in current charges is unacceptable and disproportionately impacts disadvantaged wards in the two main towns in Cheshire East - Crewe and Macclesfield.”

She said increased charging will lead to even more cars parked on residential streets.

Northwich Guardian: Cllr Liz BraithwaiteCllr Liz Braithwaite (Image: Cheshire East Council)

“The proposed increase in income [£119,000] for financial year 2023/24 is presumably by targeting areas that already have parking charges,” said Cllr Braithwaite.

“We have not been given any detail of how the figure has been calculated. When queried with officers I was told the business case would be published next week. It’s difficult to make informed comments without adequate information.”

Cllr Hazel Faddes said: “In Crewe and Macclesfield, and some other towns, we already pay a premium to fix other people’s car parks.

“The increase we will see in the parking charges in the next year, if this proposal goes forward, will mean the towns that are already paying will have to pay more. This is not fair.”

Northwich Guardian: Cllr Hazel FaddesCllr Hazel Faddes (Image: Cheshire East Council)

Both Cllr Mike Sewart and Cllr Connor Naismith expressed concern over the lack of detail in the report.

Northwich Guardian: Cllr Connor NaismithCllr Connor Naismith (Image: Cheshire East Council)

Cllr Naismith said: “Increasing parking charges in the places that already pay disproportionately to park in their towns it simply cannot be considered fair and will not be acceptable to my residents who already see their town centre in what they view as a state of decline.”

Cllr Sally Holland said hiking up charges would ‘cripple retailers’.

Committee chair Craig Browne said the council, overall, had to fund a £20m gap. He said doing nothing was not an option.

Director of highways and infrastructure Tom Moody told councillors that when they responded to the consultation they should ‘look at alternative proposals rather than what’s not feasible because we are set this incredibly difficult financial challenge’.

Mr Hibbert stressed again the highways department needed to find not just the additional £119,000 for next year but also make up for the lost £1.3m.

He told councillors that officers had an approach to achieve this and, ‘as currently configured’ charges in towns such as Crewe would increase and charges would be introduced to towns which are currently free.

He stressed there would have to be further public consultation on whatever was eventually decided.

The budget will now be considered by corporate policy on February 9 before going to full council on February 22.