A DEDICATED resident has been named in the New Year’s Honours list for services to his community.

Pickmere Parish Council chairman and teacher Simon Read was awarded a BEM for continued service to Pickmere.

And the news is only just sinking in.

“When I got the email originally, I deleted it thinking it was spam,” Simon recalled.

“I am gobsmacked, speechless.

“I have known for about three-and-a-half weeks because they say you can’t say anything until it’s released.

“I have picked up a few things [about the reasons for the award], like what I did during Covid times.

“The thing is, they were all things I didn’t think anything of.

“I set up a Covid support group, a treasure hunt in the village and a mini Olympics you could do at home.

“I’m part of the community groups as well and on the parish council.”

Simon was instrumental in helping Pickmere residents during the pandemic with the Pickmere Covid Support Group.

Residents could call or email him if they needed help – such as with shopping, dog walking, collecting prescriptions or just a chat – and Simon would distribute requests to a team of helpers.

As well as community endeavours and his work on the parish council, Simon works as a teacher and has a big involvement with the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

And he has been overwhelmed with the response to his BEM.

“The best reaction for me is from the people in the village who are just sending congratulations,” he said.

“I walked into the pub and people were shaking my hand and saying, ‘well deserved’.

“It’s been really humbling.

“But I couldn’t do what I do without the support of everyone else who have done things with me and for me; the Covid support group would not have worked without people in the village saying they would help.

“It’s not a one-man band.”