A WOMAN has gone from avoiding looking in mirrors to attending dance fitness classes after losing more than four stone.

Harriet Parker has dropped from a size 20-22 to a size 14-16 after starting Slimming World just under a year ago.

Harriet’s motivation to attend the Barnton Slimming World group in January 2022 was when she put on a dress in Christmas 2021 and her daughter told her she looked ‘pregnant’.

The 35-year-old explained: “I had spent a long time getting over issues from the past, so I decided this year was the year I took control of my weight.

“Although I had done slimming world 10 years ago, the plan had changed.

“I started in January with my sister and the day after, I went to the supermarket and used the app to ensure that I chose the best food options.

Northwich Guardian: Harriet ParkerHarriet Parker (Image: Supplied)

“I had also purchased a 12-week countdown which came with a daily planner as a special offer, so I was able to use this to plan my week.

“The hardest part was seeing people around me eating sweet foods like cake and sweets but as I started to see the weight loss it made it worthwhile resisting the temptation.”

And although Harriet was nervous going to the Barnton group at first, she soon realised no-one was judging her and her confidence has grown – going to the gym on her own and attending dance fitness classes.

Harriet added: “I would avoid looking in mirrors or having my photos taken as I didn't like how I looked on them.

“This was a shame as many photos of my daughter growing up, I wasn't on.

“Since doing Slimming World I have been willing to have my photos taken more and can now have photos taken of memories I am making with my daughter.

“You won't regret joining Slimming World, everyone is lovely in the group and so supportive as we are all on a journey with our weight loss.

“Everyone's weight loss journey is different but the group is there to support you when you stumble and to congratulate you when you do well.”

You can find details on your nearest Slimming World group online.