AFTER being spared jail earlier this year, a Northwich man has been hauled back to court for sexually assaulting a woman in the town.

Craig Howman, of Stones Manor Lane in Hartford, appeared in Chester Magistrates Court on December 15 after breaching a suspended sentence put in place in February of this year.

On May 25, the 31-year-old sexually assaulted a woman aged 16 or over by sexually touching her in Northwich, which she did not consent to.

One month later, on June 10, Howman also resisted a police officer in the execution of this duty.

Both of these offences put him in breach of a suspended sentence order made on February 16 for being drunk in public in Northwich, which he was prohibited from doing by a criminal behaviour order.

For the breach, magistrates activated a four-week sentence.

Dealing with the new offences, magistrates sentenced Howman to 12 weeks in prison, bringing his total sentence to 16 weeks.

He must sign the sex offenders’ register for seven years.

On top of this, Howman must pay £130 in compensation.

He was also made subject to a five-year criminal behaviour order.

The provisions of this include contacting a drug and alcohol service with a view to being assessed, engage in a programme and attend all set appointments.  

Howman is prohibited from being drunk in a public place in the CW8 and CW9 postal areas of Northwich, being in possession of an open container of alcohol, or entering any licensed premises in those areas.

This is to include pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, and cafes.

Howman must not cause harassment, alarm, distress to any members of the public as part of the order.

He is prohibited from swearing in public or at the public, including any of the emergency services.