THE new season at Northwich’s Harlequin Theatre will kick off next month with three nights of fun and laughter on offer.

The theatre, located in Queen Street with its own bar and tiered seating, is gearing up for it’s 2022/2023 season, and is hoping to provide audiences with thrills, laughs and escapism.

From September 1 to 3, there will be a double bill of comedies on stage.

Two Wits to Woo by John Kelly will be performed first, directed by George Williams who has appeared in many comedies at the theatre.

The play is a fun story set in a Winsome Manor in the 1930s where Lady Winsome is in financial difficulties and needs to fire her long-serving chauffeur and gardener.

Unbeknown to her, the chauffeur is using her Rolls Royce in a taxi business and the gardener is selling produce for his own profit.

As the story unfolds, their plans to preserve their illicit dealings develop, but they find their employer is wiser than they thought.

Next on stage is Lockdown in Northwich, the latest in the ‘Little Grimley’ series by David Tristram.

It is directed by Malcolm Barker who, in 2017, directed two plays in that series; Last Tango and Last Panto in Northwich.

In this latest play, the chairman of the Northwich Inhabitant Thespians with Interest in Theatre Society (NITWITS), writes a new play - this one to help the NHS during lockdown.

But from his previous attempts, the NHS could end up worse off...

The box office and details of the full season can be seen at