We are a well-established 11-18 Catholic school and we enjoy a fantastic reputation for the very highest of standards, outstanding students, exceptional staff and the warmest of welcomes. We set out to ensure that every child entrusted to our care is made to feel welcome and that their time here is a happy and successful one.

I firmly believe that in doing so, we hold fast to our core values and our core purpose as a caring Catholic community inspired by the teaching and values of Jesus Christ. Students are expected and encouraged to work hard and demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy, behaviour and dress at all times as ambassadors for our school community.

Northwich Guardian:

Everyone is welcome at our school including students from our partner primary schools, alongside many children from non Catholic families who wish their children to receive a first class education.

At St Nicholas, we strive for academic excellence rooted within the spiritual, moral and personal growth of all our students. All of this we do in positive partnership with our parents and carers, our parishes, our primary schools and our many other community partners.

The team of dedicated staff here at St Nicholas are fully committed to providing students with every possible opportunity to become the person God created them to be – to use their gifts and talents to develop their learning and realise their potential, to explore new hobbies and interests, to serve others through charitable works and to deepen their relationship with God through prayer and reflection.

Our best ambassadors are our students and I would be delighted to arrange a guided tour for you. Should you wish to visit us, please contact the school reception via the details below.

St Nicholas Catholic High School, Greenbank Lane, Hartford CW8 1JW

01606 706000
