CHILDREN from a Northwich Primary School made a packet or two before Christmas by helping homeless people in Cheshire.

The Weaverham Academy pupils joined an establish campaign which sees crisp packets transformed into sleeping blankets to help keep those living on the streets stay warm in the winter.

Transition Northwich has been collecting empty crisp packets since last year, with around 150 needed to provided an insulated sleeping bag.

Children at the school have been saving hundreds of crisp packets from the rubbish bin by bringing them into school to donate to the worthy cause.

Julie and Rachel at Weaverham Academy commented: "Weaverham preschool and Weaverham Academy primary school have been helping to support Transition Northwich’s crisp packet collection for Macclesfield Crisp Blankets.

"The crisp packets are upcycled to make sleeping bag protectors for the homeless which are waterproof and could prove to be life saving for some in the winter months.

"The project is also a good way of being climate friendly by reducing waste, using the packets productively for this much more positive cause.

"Every 150 crisp packets provides one sleeping bag.

"Any bags that can’t be used for the blankets are also saved from incineration by being sent to Sainsbury’s collection point.

"We would like to thank all our families who have at Weaverham Pre-school and Weaverham Academy who have come together to collect as many crisp packets as they can."

Paul Mathias, a member of Transition Northwich, said: "This is a fine project from one of our area’s schools, worthy of Charles Dickens and ‘A Christmas Carol’, following it’s themes of compassion, altruism and care for the disadvantaged.

"Thank you all, pupils, parents and staff at Weaverham Junior Academy and Pre-School."