A MIDDLEWICH primary school's eco team has been working hard to support both the school and the wider community.

The team at St Mary's Catholic Primary School meets with headteacher Janet McKinlay on a fortnightly basis to discuss the minutes from the last meeting and decide on an agreed focus or initiative for the next two weeks.

The eco team’s vision is for the school to become more green over the course of the year.

Pupils wanted to link in with CAFOD, an international development charity aim, to help build a better world.

Therefore, they organised a Go Green day to support Amazon communities protecting the rainforest.

As the school's uniform is already green, they came up with some ideas such as wearing green ribbons, green hair, green socks and other green clothes.

Mrs McKinlay said: "I was a bit worried children would come in with permanently dyed green hair and lurid green face paint but they were really sensible and had great fun."

Pupils also asked parents to send in empty ink cartridges to recycle for CAFOD.

A box has been placed around the school for children to deposit cartridges and this is starting to be filled up.

Meanwhile, to aid people closer to home, pupils asked for contributions to Middlewich Foodbank.

Tinned and dried foods were sent in over the course of the week.

"I was immensely proud of the generosity of parents who keep on giving regardless of their own personal and economic circumstances," Mrs McKinlay said.