CHILDREN are preparing to stage a big outdoor Christmas production.

Pupils at Cledford Primary School are unable to perform their usual live nativity for parents due to the pandemic.

Instead, an outdoor classroom is being turned into a stable and children are busy learning their lines and choreography for the big event.

Headteacher Sarah Frater said: "Christmas at Cledford Primary School is going to a little different to usual, but even a global pandemic cannot stop the celebrations.

Northwich Guardian:

The reception class of Cledford Primary School will be filming their nativity for parents to watch later on a video

"Although the school is not able to open their doors to a live audience, rehearsal and filming are underway in the early years so that parents can still enjoy their child’s first Christmas performance at school via a video link towards the end of term."

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The reception class and years 1 and 2 are in the middle of rehearsals.

Traditionally, the whole school normally visits St Michael and All Angels CE Church for a carol service on the last day of term.

"Sadly this is another event that can't go ahead," said Mrs Frater. "But no fear, we have found a way around this and are not deterred.

"All classes are learning a carol that they will sign instead of sing. There will be a celebration day for each year group when they will be allowed to wear their Christmas jumper, make party hats and enjoy a delicious Christmas lunch."

Northwich Guardian:

Cledford Primary School has found a different way to celebrate Christmas this year by filming a nativity in an outdoor stable

Teachers have faced other challenges planning for Christmas this year, having to keep different groups of children apart during lunch and party times, not being able to swap cards and not coming together for the whole school shared events.

Every year staff are always very grateful to receive Christmas gifts from the children in their class. It is never expected but always nice.

Mrs Frater said: "This year, adults in school had already decided that for their secret Santa gifts to each other, they would bring in a donation for the Middlewich Foodbank.

"The school has now also suggested that if families would like to send a gift in for a teacher, that this also could be a donation to the foodbank."