A NORTHWICH Dad has fulfilled a lifetime dream of becoming an author by penning a children's book during lockdown.

Adam Moody, 39, a married father of two boys, is a former student at Weaverham High and Sir John Deans, said the personalised books came about after he faced the challenge of trying to get his first child to sleep.

Now living in Yorkshire and running his own small print management company, Adam said lockdown provided him the opportunity to invest time into the project.

He said: "Lack of sleep is one of the biggest challenges faced by parents, with the prospect of up to six years of sleep deprivation for new parents according to a study published in the journal 'Sleep'.

"I was always interested in creative writing, but never had the opportunity to invest my time into it properly, then lockdown arrived.

"I first had the idea several years ago, when my youngest son was a toddler struggling to get to sleep.

"I was probably the most tired I have ever been.

"It was during my long walks pushing him in the pram to get and keep him asleep, I invented the characters."

The 'Bedtime Adventure' stories feature magical characters called the 'Shnugglefluffles' who live in the moment just between that period of being awake and asleep.

He added: "One bedtime, I was making up stories, when the Shnugglefluffle characters appeared in my imagination and they have been there ever since until and I had the opportunity to develop the stories into proper children’s books during lockdown."

"Using calming words, the books help prepare your child for sleep and demonstrate how they can find their very own Shnugglefluffle.

"With so much change and the many challenges facing parents this year, the book is designed to bring a little magic to a gentle and calming bedtime.

"It was a fun distraction during the first lockdown and was brilliant to be able to bounce ideas off the boys as we tried to keep ourselves entertained.

"Receiving the final copy of the book was incredible. 

"The personalisation and custom message ensures they are an excellent gift for parents and grandparents who are looking to help create a positive bedtime routine for the 2-4 year old adventurer in their life."

"I am so lucky to have two brilliant boys and the support and guidance of my wonderful wife.

"Her gentle approach to parenting has been inspirational and hopefully reflected within the books, which aim to be creative, imaginative, positive and calming.

"I hope the Shnugglefluffles bring a fun and magic to your bedtime routines and help your little ones calmly drift off to their own amazing dreams."

The books are available to purchase on Adam's own website, which he has also coded and designed himself.

For more information, please go to: https://www.flumbles.co.uk/.