DO you have any photos or objects which sum up life under coronavirus lockdown?

If so, Cheshire Archives and West Cheshire Museums are seeking such items to form part of a special collection to remember the period.

The objects should be able to tell the story of the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has affected our community

The goal is to create lasting collections to reflect what life was like during this unique and challenging time for people across the Cheshire West borough.

Cllr Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, said: “We want to capture this moment in time for future generations.

“Have you taken a photograph that sums up an aspect of life in lockdown for you, or do you have a suggestion for what Covid-19 related objects should be collected?

“If so, please let the archives and museum service know.”

Two new projects entitled ‘Life in Lockdown’ and ‘Collecting Covid’ are set to be created, containing images of closed playgrounds and schools, people working from home, residents clapping for key workers or anything else related to life in lockdown.

After being submitted, 100 of these photos will be added to Cheshire Image Bank, which can be accessed via

West Cheshire Museums is asking for suggestions about what kind of objects it should collect.

These could include face masks, hair clippers, a Joe Wicks PE t-shirt, rainbow window pictures, or something very personal to you, but they all need to have a story behind them that you are happy to share.

A total of 30 objects will be selected to go into this coronavirus collection, with nominations closing at the end of July.

If you are interested, visit or

A collection of videos is also being captured by the North West Film Archive via