AN artist from Northwich says he is ‘overwhelmed’ by the reaction from the public to his lockdown remakes of classic art.

Joseph J Walker, whose family previously owned Walker’s Coaches, decided to join the growing number of people around the world participating in Getty Museum's quarantine challenge.

This sees people come up with creative alternatives to classic pieces of art during lockdown, while visiting art galleries and museums is not currently possible.

Among his attempts are recreations of classic works from the likes of Van Gogh, Banksy and Holbein.

And Joseph says that he was shocked by the levels of engagement and incredibly positive feedback that he has received.

Northwich Guardian:

Rene Magritte - The Son of Man

“The driving force for almost all of my artwork is fun, and I create uplifting pieces that people can positively connect to that will make them smile,” he said.

“Getting on-board with the Getty Museum challenge was an obvious choice for me, as my art is already hugely playful.

“The response I’ve had has been overwhelming, and what has been really interesting is that these posts have appealed to a much wider, more diverse audience than ever before.

“It genuinely didn’t even occur to me that this project would be a way to reach a whole new audience.”

As well as enjoying the support that he has received, Joseph also says that he is delighted to introduce art to a different audience which would not normally take an interest.

Northwich Guardian:

Vincent Van Gogh - Self Portrait with bandaged ear and pipe

“People are very often ‘scared’ of the art world,” he added.

“There is the perception that it’s full of snobbery, and that if you’re not an expert on every artist from Michelangelo to Pollock, you might as well stay out of it.

“Sadly, that is partly true, as snobbery and elitism do abound, but the point of art is that you don’t have to know anything about it to enjoy it.

“If you look at something and like it, or even just have an opinion on it, that’s art appreciation.”