A NEW coronavirus testing centre for key workers has opened up at Leighton Hospital.

The centre will carry out swab tests for key workers who are either showing signs of Covid-19 themselves or live in a household with others who have symptoms.

A similar centre has opened at the Countess of Chester Hospital, while NHS chiefs are exploring whether a third could be opened at Macclesfield Hospital.

It will provide a more convenient option for mid Cheshire residents who need to be tested, rather than the main north west testing centres at Manchester Airport, Preston College and Haydock, in St Helens.

Denise Frodsham, director of strategic partnerships at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – which runs Leighton Hospital, said: “We are very pleased to be supporting Covid-19 testing for key workers across Cheshire by setting up and managing the new satellite testing centre at Leighton Hospital.

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"This facility is going to play a crucial part in our region's response to coronavirus.”

Increasing Cheshire’s testing capabilities will enable key workers who have been self-isolating to continue to work if they test negative.

Once they have their result, they will have a better understanding of their situation and can discuss this with their employer to determine whether they can return to work – helping the country beat coronavirus at the earliest opportunity.

Terry Whalley, Cheshire and Merseyside testing incident director, said: "Offering more convenient access to testing is very important to us all as we seek to tackle the threat of coronavirus."

For people who are referred, but don’t have a car, the Leighton site can also be accessed on foot.

Those eligible for testing can only be allocated an appointment at a Covid-19 testing facility via their employer.

Anyone who attempts to turn up at a testing facility that hasn’t followed the correct booking procedure will be turned away, with no exceptions.

Tracey Cole, executive director of strategy and partnerships at NHS Cheshire clinical commissioning group, said: “The people of Cheshire need as many of our key workers as possible to be able to continue to fulfil their vital roles. With a negative test, many key workers who are currently self-isolating could potentially return to work.

Northwich Guardian:

“Any key worker who is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms is urged to get in touch with their employer to request a test. Where a key worker is self-isolating due to a family member, testing is also available for the family member.

“There is currently ample capacity for testing so, if you think you might be eligible, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your employer.”

In line with Government guidance anyone who has Covid-19 symptoms or is currently self-isolating who thinks they may be a key worker should contact their employer to check their eligibility for testing.

More detailed information on the types of workers who may now be eligible for testing can be found at gov.uk/coronavirus-get-tested

If you employ key workers in Cheshire, but are unsure how to refer for testing, email workingtogetherascheshire@nhs.net