LEWIN Street Post Office is set to close, with the decision being taken to move the service to Chisholm’s in Wheelock Street.

A consultation ran from December to early February, bringing in 281 individual responses from customers and local representatives.

Announcing the decision to close the current site, a Post Office spokesman said benefits would include longer hours, a central location and modern facilities.

Suzanne Richardson, regional network manager, said: “The feedback commented about a number of issues including parking, location, and availability of space inside the proposed shop and the level of service that will be provided following the change.

“Some feedback commented that the proposed new branch would be closer and easier to access and welcomed longer opening times.

“While I have considered the concerns raised about parking in the area surrounding the new location, it is fair to say that this is a problem faced generally in many locations nationwide.”

Ms Richardson says ‘time restricted roadside parking’ nearby left her satisfied that the issue can be managed.

Chisholm’s will be improving disability access, and all staff will be fully trained. Opening hours will be Monday to Saturday 7am to 5.30am, and Sunday 8am to 11am.

A closure date is yet to be confirmed.