DEAR Prime Minister Regarding the consultation on the Leveson enquiry. Please be aware that I am horrified that your ministers are proposing swingeing fines and unlimited costs on the newspaper industry, threatening severe financial penalties, even when there is a judgement in their favour.

This is reminiscent of the worst aspects of dictatorships and will certainly threaten the continuation of the excellent investigative services of which other countries are envious.

Local press reporting will be very limited, and will probably put many of them out of business.

Having justifiably called some MPs to account for disgraceful private behaviour and, in particular, having found a large number of MPs claiming expenses, illegally, this smacks of a vindictive attack.

You should be ashamed of yet another attempt to dismantle British standards of public service.

I call upon you to personally intervene and prevent this proposal from making any further progress.

Chris Watkin Cuddington UKIP Cheshire West 

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