WINSFORD’S MP Stephen O'Brien will leave his post at the general election after bagging a top job with the United Nations.

UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon announced that Mr O'Brien, who has been an MP since 1999, will begin his new post as the under secretary-general for humanitarian affairs.

The Conservative MP will step down as MP for Eddisbury at the general election.

He is expected to take up his post based at the United Nations in New York towards the end of May.

“It has been the most enormous privilege to serve as the Member of Parliament for all the people of Eddisbury over the last, almost, sixteen years,” Mr O’Brien said.

“I shall always be grateful for the support and engagement across a wide variety of issues over that time throughout the constituency.

“In particular I want to pay tribute to the members and activists of the Eddisbury Conservative Association for their support

“Together, we have been able to push forward the range of opportunities which have made a real positive difference to my constituents.”

The post of UN humanitarian co-ordinator was created in 1991, and for the last seven years the role has been held by a British official.

Mr O’Brien will succeed former Labour minister Baroness Amos, who has held the UN role since 2010. Sir John Holmes held the post before Lady Amos.

The UN said Mr O'Brien is expected to bring ‘innovative and strategic ideas’ to the role.

A UN spokesman said: “Mr O’Brien brings to the position extensive experience in multilateral diplomacy and advocacy.”

The Eddisbury MP served as shadow minister for health and social care between 2005–2010 and has taken on numerous voluntary humanitarian roles over the years.

Mr O'Brien was also an international development minister from 2010 to 2012 and recently served as David Cameron's special envoy to the Sahel region.

Mr O'Brien added: “I wish my successor as the Conservative candidate for Eddisbury, every good wish for a successful campaign in the upcoming general election and in returning the Eddisbury seat for the Conservatives.

“My support for the Prime Minister, David Cameron, in leading the Conservatives to an outright victory at the general election remains total and I will do all I can to help secure that result.’