YOUNG clubbers are being drawn to the bright lights of Northwich for a night out in complete safety.

Club 13-16 has been launched at Witton Albion Football Club to offer a nightclub experience for teenagers.

Organiser Noel Gallagher said: "We turn the function room at Witton Albion into nothing short of a fitted out nightclub with huge lighting and sound, nightclub DJs, door staff and wristbands – the only difference being the drinks served are all soft drinks and non alcoholic cocktails and the guests are all of secondary school age with the target age being on 13-16 year olds."

Noel organises the Roaring Laughter Comedy Club, also held at Witton Albion, and was looking for more ways to use the social club when he struck upon this initiative.

"We had planned to do a full nightclub in Witton on a Friday night but we quickly realised it just wouldn't work." he said.

"We thought about doing just a kids disco but then this has quickly morphed into the full nightclub experience. "Young people these days wouldn't be up for a junior disco!

"We have all the equipment to fit it out so we thought 'why not?'

"I think there has been other nights for young people in and around Northwich, but these have attracted unsavoury characters and had mither with the police."

The manager of Witton Albion's social club is former police sergeant Sharon Lomas, who has organised for Northwich PCSOs to pop in every so often to help promote a safe atmosphere.

Noel added: "Quite a few of us are first aid trained and a friend of mine, Matt Olsen, who is a budding DJ is also a paramedic working in Northwich. "So we don't use the word 'safe' lightly! "We also ensure that everyone gets picked up after the night has finished."

The club runs at the Wincham venue from 6pm to 9pm every Thursday.

Admission is £5 and for more information visit or the Facebook page