A HARTFORD woman who lost the use of her arm to arthritis wants donations of wool to enable her to carry on knitting.

Myff Allcock, of Highbank Road, had to undergo a serious operation 15 years ago to have her bone replaced with pegs and plastic after the debilitating condition affected her mobility.

But the 63-year-old refused to let this affect her passion for helping others through knitting. Checkout operator Myff, who works at Asda in Winsford, said: "At one stage in my life I lost the use of my wrist and left arm because of arthritis.

"I had to have a very nasty operation and six weeks later I was still recovering, wishing I hadn't had it done. I had been using a peg before and I was told physiotherapy was the best way of helping but the first thing I did was start up my knitting."

And this creative talent has benefited a number of organisations. Myff said: "I'm always knitting, at least five times a week, and have always knitted for my family and I've also made scarves and blankets for children in Africa.

"At the moment I'm making blankets for the premature babies department at Leighton Hospital but I need some more wool as I have already made 14 and it can get expensive to buy so much wool.

Pastel "I can use any pastel colours but not white, so would love to receive any wool anyone has."

Myff's love of knitting is not what motivates her to keep twiddling her fingers. She said: "I just love helping people and that's why I do so much. I have knitted baby hats and blankets for children in Kosovo and also help out with the church in Castle.

"People say I have brought knitting back into fashion."

If you have any wool you can donate, drop it off at 13 Highbank Road or call Guardian reporter Emma Cameron on 01606 813621.