POLICE will be running routine checks on vehicles in mid-Cheshire until January 7.

Officers will be checking tyres, windscreen wash levels and lights, as well as looking for any defects that could put safety at risk.

Anyone caught using a vehicle illegally could have it seized or face prosecution.

Sgt Peter Hough said: “In the winter months, driving conditions vary greatly and it is important to make the roads as safe as possible, by ensuring vehicles are well maintained and up to legal standards.

“This operation is first and foremost about keeping our roads safe this winter. Officers do have the power to have vehicles taken off the road, if they present an immediate danger to other road-users.”

Motorists are being urged to carry out their own basic checks on their cars to avoid being caught out this winter.

Basic advice to keep your vehicle in the right condition is: Check and replace anti-freeze in your radiator Check all lights are working, Check your windscreen wash levels and replace if necessary, Ensure tyres are fit and legal for purpose, Make sure windows are clear from any snow or ice and are fully demisted before moving off, Ensure windscreen wiper blades are not worn.