IN A cosy corner of a Moulton pub all manner of plots and schemes are being cooked up by determined band of collaborators.

Alien invasions, cross-generational love affairs and the trouble with gravy nowadays are among the myriad of themes up for discussion by the group, which is planning a take over.

But there is nothing sinister about this bunch as they are the people behind a new series of radio plays, called Littlewich Ways, which they hope will become the Cheshire version of The Archers.

A team of villagers have spent a year mapping out their fictional Cheshire town, its settings and characters, developing plots and subplots and writing scripts.

Actors have been cast, the first episode recorded and original theme music written by Pete Thompson, from Northwich Folk Club, to introduce each of the 15-minute episodes.

I was invited along to one of the weekly storyboarding meetings, which are held in The Lion, in Main Road, at 7pm on Wednesdays.

I joined Peter Collins, Debbie Bennett, Amanda Dockray, Janet Sedgwick and Helen Nightingale as they discussed their plans for Episode 25.

The process was fascinating as the team gave me a brief overview of the story so far for each of the characters who would feature in the episode.

They had a rough idea already of where they wanted the story to go but this was very much up in the air as all manner of weird and wonderful suggestions were worked through to see what could happen to the characters and different ways the plot could develop.

Ideas were diligently jotted down and the notes from the meeting would then be used by one of the team to write up the script.

A finished script is then brought back to the group to be read through to hear if it flows before a further read through by the cast and, finally, the recording.

The group is working on setting up its own YouTube channel to broadcast the plays, which will also be available on the Northwich Guardian's website

They are also keen to hear from people with different skills who may like to join the team.

Debbie said: "Anyone that wants to join in is welcome – we're always looking for scriptwriters, organisers, actors, people to do sound effects.

"Littlewich Ways is like The Archers but funnier and blacker."

Helen said: "It's fun and it's an opportunity to be creative if your day job doesn't allow that."

For more information pop in to The Lion at 7pm on Wednesdays or visit